I am a Marketing professional with strategic capabilities and detail orientation to effectively develop and execute marketing plans to exceed commitments. • 10+ years’ success leading marketing teams • 9+ years managing partner and channel strategy • 8+ years...
David Lindahl
Jonathan Martin – CEO of Cool Blue Web
CEO of an Ecommerce focused development agency. http://coolblueweb.com/
Charles Sipe – SEO Analyst
I'm an SEO Analyst for Full Beaker. I have experience with SEO technical audits, keyword research, and link building.
Trenton Erker – SEO
I want to learn it all. Currently work at CDK and own an agency with my business partner.
David R Lindahl – Former President
Dave is a Product Solutions Manager supporting Earned Media (SEO, Reputation Management, and Social Media) at CDK Global and Board Member for SSN. He loves learning new techniques and strategies to add to his marketing arsenal, meeting new people, and partnering with...
Content Marketing on a Budget–SSN August Meeting
Presentation by Uri Bar-Joseph Seattle Search Network August Meeting Notes "Content is King" - as Search Marketers, we've heard this ad nauseam in recent years, but what does it really look like and how can small businesses leverage content marketing the right...
Online Marketing Conferences In Seattle 2013
2013 SEO Conventions and Conferences in Seattle SEO is almost as "Seattle" as coffee shops, grunge music, and rainy winter days. As the proud home of SEOmoz, Distilled, Portent, and Cobalt, Seattle is widely considered to be among the top cities for SEOs in the world....